Winter Programs to Learn More about Buddhism

In December 2023 and january 2024
some programs GO ON break
but return in the new year


Two live, online options during the summer are Zoom-In Buddhism and Buddhism Zero.

Zoom-in Buddhism

One-Hour Discussion Class for the Basics

Each Tuesday at 7 p.m. through August 2023

Contact the Temple or send an email to Bill Teague ( for more information. We will send you the login information.

Learn more here.

Buddhism Zero

Buddhism Zero now exists as a Zoom online session created solely so you can get your questions answered about Buddhism in general and in our Shin tradition. Chaired by members of our Buddhist Education Committee, sessions exist so you can attend a single session or if you have other questions, more as you’d like.

To schedule please contact the Temple at or 619-239-0896. We will schedule a session around your convenience.

This is an ideal opportunity for people who feel they need to start to build their understanding from zero, from the ground up.

Learn more about Buddhism Zero.

Returning September 6, 2023
Buddhism 1-2-3

Buddhism 1-2-3 exists as an online discussion class specifically to explore important concepts and practices in Buddhism within the Jodo Shinshu or Shin tradition. Classes run approximately 90 minutes.

Weekly sessions are led by Certified Minister’s Assistant Bill Teague and other Minister’s Assstants and Sangha Friends.

This is an ideal class for people who already know a bit or a lot about Buddhism, at level 1,2, or 3.

Learn more about Buddhism 1-2-3.


* Note: We originally named Buddhism 1-2-3 to suggest the many trinities in Buddhism (Three Treasures, Three Poisons, Three Marks of Existence etc.) along with the ease of learning more (easy as 1-2-3).

We have expanded the meaning to suggest its embrace of people at a beginning, intermediate, and advanced level — that is, at levels 1, 2, or 3. We know that all three levels will benefit from the sessions and can contribute meaningfully to the discussion.