Five Nights of Ho-Onko, West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple, Jan. 10

Ho-Onko Evening Services, Jan 10 - Jan 14, 7pm PST

With Guest Speaeer Rev. Ken Fujimoto, Minister Emeritus, the West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple hosts not one but five services around Ho-Onko, each built around a specific topic related to Shinran Shonin. (See below for the list of topics.)

To attend these free, online sessions, please register online here.

The Temple is also accepting email inquiries at .

Ho-Onko means “Dharma Gathering out of indebtedness.” It is part of our Jodo Shinshu tradition to gather every night during the week of the founder Ven. Shinran’s memorial anniversary to listen to the Dharma out of indebtedness and appreciation for the teaching we are receiving.

Join us as we chant verses written by Ven. Shinran, Shoshin-Nembutsu-Ge, and listen to our special guest speaker Rev. Kenneth Fujimoto as he teaches us about the life of Ven. Shinran over the course of the week.