Kenji Sensei Makes News Again!

Thanks to an article by our own Ralph Honda, we have national coverage of Kenji Sensei’s drive-through Retirement Party back in October makes front-page news in the December Wheel of Dharma.

The picture includes Kenji Sensei with Temple members Lorena and Andrea Covarrubias.

Read the full article, “San Diego Celebrates 95th Anniversary, Rev. Akahoshi’s Retirement in Combined Event,” Wheel of Dharma, December 2021.

The article provides Bishop Marvin Harada’s compliment to Kenji Sensei: “[I]n my mind [he] is one of the most innovative,” Rev. Harada said. “Rev. Kenji presents Jodo Shinshu in simple expressions that anyone can relate to and that resonates with new people.”

Also contributing to the Wheel of Dharma article is our Temple Member Mike Ong, credited in all pictures show here. Left is the solar-powered, rotating globe celebrating the Golden Chain “that stretches around the world,” a parting gift from the Temple created by Temple Member Ken Muraoka. Center and right are two more photos from the Wheel of Dharma article, with Karen Akahoshi and Sensei in both, and Temple President LuAnn Lee in the right photo.

We should also note Mike Ong was not the only photographer on the scene. Efton Woodford also contributed photos of the event. See many images on page 11 of the Bussei Script or Kaiho here (November 2021). We are still identifying some photos which capture various attendees. Pictured are Sangha members here named left to right from the top down: Angie Tsuneyoshi and Arlene Shimizu; Motoo Tsuneyoshi; Rev. Smitty (Maribeth Smith) & Jackie Goor; Katsumi Kida and Alice Aoyama; Robert & Chelsey Koga and daughters; Kenji & Karen Akahoshi with Yukari Williams and Shirley Omori; detail of the quilt hand-crafted by the Buddhist Women’s Association; Evelyn Alroy; Aki Tomiyama and Loren Sasaki; Laura Yoshida and Laura Yamaguchi; Kiyo & Aileen (Itsuko) Kawasaki; Ann Yamamoto and Susan Yonekura; Nancy Martinez and Janna Willzen Domingo & Isaac Martinez; Claudia Poquoc & Carlos (Coyote)Warner; Jo Ann & Eugene Hotta; Jamie Shimizu; Glenn Torio; Nancy & Fred Nakatani; [TBA]; [TBA] and Janet Ochi-Fontanett; and Ann Ong and Kimberly Kruse. We hope to make any corrections and fill in the blanks soon. - Editor