Bodhi Day Videos Now Available

Rev. Greogry Gibbs of the Pasadena Buddhis Temple and Supervising Minister of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego

See Three Dharma Talks, or Entire Bodhi Day Service

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Dec. 5 Bodhi Day Service such a sucess, with special thanks to our Supervising Minister, Rev. Gregory Gibbs of the Pasadena Buddhist Church.

We wanted to make sure you had the links to listen to his Dharma message, and the Dharma message s from Sharon Sasaki and Rev. Noriko Kawai.

We also have an edited version of the live Zoom service.

Choose Your Dharma Talk

Or Watch the Full Service

Here is an edited video of the full Zoom service. This includes the December memorial, Shotsuki Hoyo, Remembrances of all Livng Things.Chanting, and Hymn or Gatha.

Our Experiment with a Hybrid Service

Because of the changing COVID-19 environment, the Temple reviews options on an almost weekly basis. We kept physical attendance at this service to invited members from our senior population, with protective steps including physical distancing, mask mandate, and showing proof of vaccination.

What Will the Future Hold

Based on this experiment, we may try another controlled hygrid service again in January, and as before open only to invited guests, again likely our Keiro Kai members, the least likely to be able to participate via Zoom. Please stay tuned for more information, and we appreciate yoru patience.

For the time being, the Temple remains closed.