All Years Young Buddhist International Cultural Exchange Reunion

For Both Future and Past Participants

Over the years, a number of our Temple youth have been able to participate in a cultural exchange program where young people lived in Japan for a week or more, often staying with host families and sometimes sleeping over in Jodo Shinshu Temples.

Even youth interested in a future session are encouraged to come to learn more. should they be able to take advantage of a future program. And Ministers and Temple leaders who were chaperones are also invited.

Key Dates

  • Saturday, July 17, Registration Deadline

  • Saturday, July 24, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. PDT, First Session, includes breakout rooms by year

  • Sunday July 25, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m., PDT, Second Session

Go to registration link.

Download flyer.

Special Guest Speaker

Rev. Gene Sekiya has had a long and international career, having served with the BCA at the Fresno Betsuin and now living in Japan, as an advisor to the Hongwanji International Center.