BUDDHISM ZERO:Ad Hoc Zoom Session

If you are starting from zero and hae questions about Buddhism or the tradition at our Temple, we are happy to meet with you by Zoom at a time convenient to you. To set up a session, please contact us at info@btsd.net or 619-239-0896.

We have a range of Minister’s Assistants and other Sangha Friends to help answer your questions. Usually several of us will be represented, to demonstrate our openness to various viewpoints and different perspectives.

Buddhism Zero is your chance to ask all your questions in an open and free discussion. There is no other agenda. Sessions are hosted by a member of our Buddhist Education Committee. 

Other Opportunites

For those looking for a concise view of how Buddhism developed, from the awakening of Siddhartha Gautama to the Buddhist Temple of San Diego today, please consider our Introduction to Buddhism course.

For those looking to learn more in a discussion class setting, consider Buddhism 1-2-3, Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Login required; see article for more information.