VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE: Anti-Asian Violence

Many thanks to Temple Member Kay Ochi and Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi for their meaningful conversation around Anti-Asian Violence. They presented a live Expanded Awareness Talk via Zoom on Sunday, August 29 and it is now here for your viewing.

Anti-Asian Violence: World War II and Today


The presentation includes a throughline of racial animosity through American history with special emphasis on World War II, during which 120,000 Japanese Americans, many U.S. citizens, were forcibly removed from the West Coast.

Learn More — References and Resources

Editor’s Notes:
So many resources were mentioned in passing in the video, that a Temple volunteer — and not a historical researcher — compiled a list for those wishing more information. All errors are the sole responsibility of the Temple’s volunteer, and we welcome feedback on improving this listing. Listings within categories are generally alphabetical. We make use of Wikipedia and the Densho Encyclopedia in many cases.

Book titles link to an book pate. We are doing so because Amazon has become a de facto source of bibliographic information. If you do purchase a book from Amazon, please consider signing up for Amazon Smile and name Buddhist Temple of San Diego as the recipient; your purchase will generate a micro-payment to the Temple, at no additional cost to you.

Taking Action: Hate Crime Resources
**** Bystander Training c/o Hollaback ****
Asian Americans Advancing Justice (also involved in Bystander Training, above)
Birdie Personal Safety Alarm
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association
National Asian and Pacific Islander Prosecutors Association

VC (Visual Communications) Archive (Full video archives of the 1981 CWRIC hearings in Los Angeles) ****
NCRR Selected Videos (Overview of specific aspects of the 1981 testimony)
Steve Nagano, Speaking Out! (Video, 6:40) (Video played within the Temple video)

Legislative Acts, Hearings
1981 CWRIC, Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (Densho gloss) ****
California Alien Land Law of 1913 (Wiki gloss)
The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (Wiki gloss) (See also Densho gloss)
Executive Order 9066 (gloss per California Museum)

**** NCRR, National Coalition for Redress/Reparations (See also Densho gloss) ****
Americans for Historical Accuracy (Lillian Baker) (Wiki gloss)
Japanese American Citizens League (See also Densho gloss)
VC Media / Visual Communications Media

Books and People
Connie Goldsmith, Kiyo Sato: From a WWII Japanese Internment Camp to a Life of Service
Bill Hosokawa, Nisei: The Quiet Americans (Amazon listing)
Tsuyako "Sox" Kitashima (Densho gloss)
Tsuyako "Sox" Kitashima and Joy K. Morimoto, Birth of an Activist: The Sox Kitashima Story
Fred Korematsu (Wiki gloss) (See also Densho gloss)
Kazuo Masuda (Densho gloss)
Kiyo Sato, Kiyo's Story: A Japanese-American Family's Quest for the American Dream
Duncan Williams, American Sutra: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War (Some copies available at list price from Temple)

Upcoming Temple Events
Flag-Signing (Internee Survivors), Sunday, September 19, 2021
95th Anniversary, Sunday, October 10, 2021