LATEST on Flag-Signing on Zoom, Wed. Sept. 29, 5-6 pm


With apologies for the late notice, the The Center (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California)  is sponsoring a live discussion around the Flag Signing Project underway in California. San Diego participated in this event back on September 19.

Under the theme of Tadaima (“I’m home!) the talk is titled “WWII Camp Survivor Memorial Flag-Signing Tour With Judge Johnny Gogo And Friends.” The live Zoom event starts at 5 p.m. and is expected to last an hour. Preregistration is required.

Learn more about the Zoom session here: Tadaima.

To skip directly to registration, please click here.

Ongoing information about the progress of the tour can be found here.


About Tadaima 2021

The Tadaima Virtual Pilgrimage is a collaborative online programs coordinated by the Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages (JAMP) along with dozens of partnering community organizations and individuals throughout the Japanese American and Nikkei communities. More information is available at the bottom of the event page here: About Tadaima.

Taidaima - - I’m Home

It’s customary in Japan and in some Japanese-American households for the person coming back to the house to exclaim Tadaima, to which the traditional response from the person already home is Okaerinasai (welcome back)!