Kenji Sensei in Anti-Asian Violence Video from NAPIPA

This Public Affairs announcement video from the National Asian and Pacific Islander Prosecutor’s Association (NAPIPA) includes our own Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi!. The video is well worth watching on its own but especially for Sensei’s brief appearances at 0:13 and 0:53. The video is in service of a campaign to Stop AAPI Hate.

Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego

Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego


Sharp-eyed Temple Member Qamar Bradford saw it first and posted this to our Facebook page. Congratulations, Sensei!

The NAPIPA is unique in that its members are actively prosecuting and enforcing the laws against the attacks of Asian citizens. Once on the Facebook posting, feel free to share or post the video to stop AAPI Hate.