KPBS Spotlights Yasukochi Family Farms

Ongoing Promotion

See the profile on Yasukochi Farms here.

We’re happy to see Yasukochi Farms catch the attention of KPBS in this detailed profile of the fourth generation of the Yasukochi family as it continues its farming traditions.

Most of you know that Yasukochi Farms has allowed the Temple to hold several fundraisers (we expect another before the year is out) through preorders on boxes of farm-fresh produce. But you don’t have to wait.

Ongoing Promotion. You can order a box of produce from Yasukochi delivered to most locations in San Diego at any time and still benefit the Temple. Just reference Buddhist Temple of San Diego in the comments section when you make your order.

Note: Fresh corn and strawberries are really coming into their own now! Learn more and make an order here.