2021 Retreat Replaced by July Seminar on the Practice of Living Shin Buddhism

August 1, 2021: UPDATE. Stay Tuned! Video of this online seminar will be posted in the next three days. Thanks to all who attended.

June Retreat Cancelled

Kenji Sensei’s much-anticipated retreat, “Human Nature - Buddha Nature,” originally scheduled for June 25-27, 2021 has been cancelled due to Covid-19. It will be offered again in 2022.


July Seminar Instead!

Kenji Sensei will be presenting a new seminar, “Human Nature – Buddha Nature: The Practice of Living Shin Buddhism.” The event will be available by Zoom, July 31, 2021, from 11:00 a.m.-to 12:30 p.m. (Pacific Time).

Although a hoped-for three-day physical retreat for June was cancelled — we were not quite far enough in front of the Covid recovery — the good news is that Kenji Sensei will be presenting a Zoom seminar for all of us later this summer.

“Buddha Nature — Human Nature: The Practice of Living Shin Buddhism,” will be presented on Saturday, July 31, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time.

Kenji Sensei emphasizes the role of Practice in Jodo Shinshu as follows:

“Listening to Dharma talks, reading books, and watching videos by Dharma teachers give us a good understanding of Shin Buddhism,” he writes. “However, until it becomes a daily practice, much of it remains a concept. The annual retreats have been a success since 1998 because they provided an ‘experience’ of Shin. This seminar will present the Shin practice of the Nembutsu to become an experience.”

This seminar is free to attend, but only if you register now. Please contact the BTSD office to register be emailing info@btsd.net or call (619) 239-0896.